Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Halfway through another busy week!

Just a friendly reminder that we do go to recess early in our school day (9:45-10:15).  Please try to make sure and send a jacket with students to school especially since their recess is so early.  Even if it is warm later in the day, it may be chilly still in the morning.  Mrs. Robbins is running out of jackets and sweatshirts to loan to students if they need something.  

Superkids Test
Last week we finished our most recent progress test for Superkids.  I sent those test results home today.  Please look over them and let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Sight Words
The sight words this week are: was, said.  Please add these to your method of practice at home!

Earth Day
We have been talking in class about Earth Day and what it means to help take care of the Earth.  In Writer's workshop we created a special Earth Day project with our promises of what we will do to help take care of the Earth.  We colored coffee filters with markers and then sprayed them with water so the colors would run together to look like the Earth.  Then I took the boys and girls' pictures to glue underneath so it would like like they were holding up the Earth.  Then we added the writing piece.  These projects are now displayed outside our classroom.  They turned out great!

Children's Museum Field Trip
Kindergarten is going on a field trip to the Children's Museum on Tuesday, May 9th.  Please return the permission slip and $1 for the carousel ride as soon as you can.  We will need a LOT of chaperones to make this trip successful!  Right now I only have a couple.  Please consider being a chaperone.  Grandparents are welcome to chaperone too as long as they have their background check done by the trip!  Thanks in advance! 

There are still a few extra yearbooks available for purchase in the office if you didn't order one and would like one.  They are $15.

Plastic lids request
I have a favor to ask--our county 4-H clubs are collecting plastic lids (of any lid--water bottle lids, cottage cheese lids, detergent lids, ect.) for a recycling project.  They are going to turn them into a bench to be placed at the fairgrounds, hopefully before county fair this summer.  If you have any lids that you would be willing to keep, wash off, and send to school (anytime between now and the end of the school year) I would greatly appreciate it!  Thank you in advance!

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