Monday, September 11, 2017

Happy Monday!

writing the kid way
We are also working hard on listening to sounds in words and writing the letters that make those sounds. Please look in your child’s folder tomorrow in front of homework sheets for a paper called, “Writing the kid way” that gives you information on how your child is learning to write words. We will be working on the first and second sound in words during Superkids, and working together on writing whole words during Writer’s Workshop.

PTO Information
Creekside's PTO is hosting a Dine to Donate tomorrow night, Tuesday, September 12th at Dairy Queen in Franklin. Creekside's PTO will receive 15% of the stores total sales between 6-9 pm. You don't have to mention anything and no flier is needed. So, if you need some dinner or ice cream sounds good, please stop by and support our PTO. Tell your neighbors, friends and family too! There is another Dine to Donate going on at the same time for another organization, so please be patient if it is busy. Busy just means more sales and more money for our PTO! 
Also, we have our first Creekside PTO Meeting of the year tomorrowTuesday, September 12th at 6 pm at Creekside in the LGI Room.

We met our third Superkid on Friday. Well, he’s not so much a Superkid, as he is a Superpet! Ask your child to tell you all about Golly! This week we will focus on the sound /g/ as in the word, “gum.” The boys and girls will also take what they have learned about writing Cc to form Gg during our daily handwriting practice.  During our Superkids morning routine, we have also been practicing recognizing and naming rhyming words, and recognizing words that begin with the same sound. 

Here is a quick look at Math for the week: Triangles, problem solving, counting 1-1, counting to match a given numeral, and number sequence. Today we played a game called Top-It (think war) with the same dot cards that we played memory with last week.

Have a great week!

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